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Stefan Willoughby

June 2022 - Why Weddings are so special

Roll me back 3-4 years I'd have declined your wedding without a second thought. Controversial comment from a wedding photographer I know, but I didn't enjoy them. I thought they were too much work, too much responsibility and I really would rather have done anything else.

I've written posts before explaining how things have changed but I really have discovered a love for wedding photography that I never knew could exist. I'm completely part of your amazing day, seeing every single emotion I can ever hope to see. Hearing speeches that make me laugh and cry, and all the special moments that happen during each amazing wedding.

I can't wait for each one now, to capture those special images and make sure that your wedding is recorded in the best possible way it can be. To make sure that you have images that you'll treasure and capture every moment you remember as well as so many you don't. To constantly look for those images that will make you stop and say wow and that might bring a tear to your eyes.

The additional bonus for me is one I didn't expect, the relationship I form with each couple throughout one of the most important days of your lives. Part of the reason I insist on a pre-wed meet up is to break the ice and meet you both ahead of the big day so that we can chat and get to know each other beforehand. If we met for the first time on the day it would take so much from the day I would struggle to get as close to you both and you wouldn't accept me so well during the day. I'm there throughout, more often than not from early on during bridal prep to the evening. I see and share all your emotions and I'm truly part of it, the amount of times I've had tears in my eyes over the past few months is amazing. I absolutely love it all. Someone said to me at a wedding recently, you have the best job in the world don't you. I had to agree, it really is. The tears are of joy but the fact I can see this and share your joy and love is truly special. Yes it's a lot of work and a lot of responsibility and that's why I don't do it for free but honestly it has got to be one of the best ways to earn a living that I've ever known.

I work hard at my weddings, very hard. Those that have experienced it will know I don't stop, I keep recording your day, the people who are part of it and the special moments that will mean the world to you when you look back. I bring it to life for many years to come and what could be more important than that!

A busy month that brought 4 weddings and 5 pre-weds and so much fun, celebration and so many tears of joy. Editing is staying on track with no wedding taking longer than 4 weeks to edit and only two currently on hand.

Despite all of this I've also managed to squeeze in 5 Chorley FC matches, certainly getting the most out of these months at the moment and it brings me into the busiest month of my year with 8 weddings and locations from the Lake District to Doncaster.

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